实现 AllOne
inc(String key)
字符串 key
的计数增加 1
。如果数据结构中尚不存在 key
,那么插入计数为 1
的 key
dec(String key)
字符串 key
的计数减少 1
。如果 key
的计数在减少后为 0
,那么需要将这个 key
返回任意一个计数最大的字符串。如果没有元素存在,返回一个空字符串 ""
返回任意一个计数最小的字符串。如果没有元素存在,返回一个空字符串 ""
注意: 每个函数都应当满足 O(1)
["AllOne", "inc", "inc", "getMaxKey", "getMinKey", "inc", "getMaxKey", "getMinKey"]
[[], ["hello"], ["hello"], [], [], ["leet"], [], []]
[null, null, null, "hello", "hello", null, "hello", "leet"]
AllOne allOne = new AllOne();
allOne.getMaxKey(); // 返回 "hello"
allOne.getMinKey(); // 返回 "hello"
allOne.getMaxKey(); // 返回 "hello"
allOne.getMinKey(); // 返回 "leet"
1 <= key.length <= 10
- 测试用例保证:在每次调用
时,数据结构中总存在 key
- 最多调用
和 getMinKey
方法 5 * 104
方法一:双向链表 + 哈希表
本题要求每次操作的时间复杂度均为 $O(1)$(字符串长度视作常数)。我们可以结合双向链表和哈希表来实现,具体如下:
链表中的每个节点存储一个字符串集合 keys,和一个正整数 count,表示 keys 中的字符串均出现 count 次。链表从头到尾的每个节点的 count 值单调递增(但不一定连续)。此外,每个节点还需存储指向上一个节点的指针 prev 和指向下一个节点的指针 next。
另外还要用一个哈希表 nodes 维护每个字符串当前所处的链表节点。
对于 inc 操作:
- 若 key 不在链表中:若链表为空或头节点的 count}>1$,则先插入一个 count}=1$ 的新节点至链表头部,然后将 key 插入到头节点的 keys 中。
- 若 key 在链表中:设 key 所在节点为 cur,若 cur}.\textit{next 为空或 cur}.\textit{next}.\textit{count}>\textit{cur}.\textit{count}+1$,则先插入一个 count}=\textit{cur}.\textit{count}+1$ 的新节点至 cur 之后,然后将 key 插入到 cur}.\textit{next}.\textit{keys 中。最后,将 key 从 cur}.\textit{keys 中移除,若移除后 cur}.\textit{keys 为空,则将 cur 从链表中移除。
- 更新 nodes 中 key 所处的节点。
对于 dec 操作,测试用例保证 key 在链表中。
- 若 key 仅出现一次:将其从 nodes 中移除。
- 若 key 出现不止一次:设 key 所在节点为 cur,若 cur}.\textit{prev 为空或 cur}.\textit{prev}.\textit{count}<\textit{cur}.\textit{count}-1$,则先插入一个 count}=\textit{cur}.\textit{count}-1$ 的新节点至 cur 之前,然后将 key 插入到 cur}.\textit{prev}.\textit{keys 中。更新 nodes 中 key 所处的节点。
- 最后,将 key 从 cur}.\textit{keys 中移除,若移除后 cur}.\textit{keys 为空,则将 cur 从链表中移除。
对于 getMaxKey 操作,在链表不为空时,返回链表尾节点的 keys 中的任一元素,否则返回空字符串。
对于 getMinKey 操作,在链表不为空时,返回链表头节点的 keys 中的任一元素,否则返回空字符串。
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| class Node: def __init__(self, key="", count=0): self.prev = None self.next = None self.keys = {key} self.count = count
def insert(self, node: 'Node') -> 'Node': node.prev = self node.next = self.next node.prev.next = node node.next.prev = node return node
def remove(self): self.prev.next = self.next self.next.prev = self.prev
class AllOne: def __init__(self): self.root = Node() self.root.prev = self.root self.root.next = self.root self.nodes = {}
def inc(self, key: str) -> None: if key not in self.nodes: if self.root.next is self.root or self.root.next.count > 1: self.nodes[key] = self.root.insert(Node(key, 1)) else: self.root.next.keys.add(key) self.nodes[key] = self.root.next else: cur = self.nodes[key] nxt = cur.next if nxt is self.root or nxt.count > cur.count + 1: self.nodes[key] = cur.insert(Node(key, cur.count + 1)) else: nxt.keys.add(key) self.nodes[key] = nxt cur.keys.remove(key) if len(cur.keys) == 0: cur.remove()
def dec(self, key: str) -> None: cur = self.nodes[key] if cur.count == 1: del self.nodes[key] else: pre = cur.prev if pre is self.root or pre.count < cur.count - 1: self.nodes[key] = cur.prev.insert(Node(key, cur.count - 1)) else: pre.keys.add(key) self.nodes[key] = pre cur.keys.remove(key) if len(cur.keys) == 0: cur.remove()
def getMaxKey(self) -> str: return next(iter(self.root.prev.keys)) if self.root.prev is not self.root else ""
def getMinKey(self) -> str: return next(iter(self.root.next.keys)) if self.root.next is not self.root else ""
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| class AllOne { list<pair<unordered_set<string>, int>> lst; unordered_map<string, list<pair<unordered_set<string>, int>>::iterator> nodes;
public: AllOne() {}
void inc(string key) { if (nodes.count(key)) { auto cur = nodes[key], nxt = next(cur); if (nxt == lst.end() || nxt->second > cur->second + 1) { unordered_set<string> s({key}); nodes[key] = lst.emplace(nxt, s, cur->second + 1); } else { nxt->first.emplace(key); nodes[key] = nxt; } cur->first.erase(key); if (cur->first.empty()) { lst.erase(cur); } } else { if (lst.empty() || lst.begin()->second > 1) { unordered_set<string> s({key}); lst.emplace_front(s, 1); } else { lst.begin()->first.emplace(key); } nodes[key] = lst.begin(); } }
void dec(string key) { auto cur = nodes[key]; if (cur->second == 1) { nodes.erase(key); } else { auto pre = prev(cur); if (cur == lst.begin() || pre->second < cur->second - 1) { unordered_set<string> s({key}); nodes[key] = lst.emplace(cur, s, cur->second - 1); } else { pre->first.emplace(key); nodes[key] = pre; } } cur->first.erase(key); if (cur->first.empty()) { lst.erase(cur); } }
string getMaxKey() { return lst.empty() ? "" : *lst.rbegin()->first.begin(); }
string getMinKey() { return lst.empty() ? "" : *lst.begin()->first.begin(); } };
[sol1-Java]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
| class AllOne { Node root; Map<String, Node> nodes;
public AllOne() { root = new Node(); root.prev = root; root.next = root; nodes = new HashMap<String, Node>(); } public void inc(String key) { if (nodes.containsKey(key)) { Node cur = nodes.get(key); Node nxt = cur.next; if (nxt == root || nxt.count > cur.count + 1) { nodes.put(key, cur.insert(new Node(key, cur.count + 1))); } else { nxt.keys.add(key); nodes.put(key, nxt); } cur.keys.remove(key); if (cur.keys.isEmpty()) { cur.remove(); } } else { if (root.next == root || root.next.count > 1) { nodes.put(key, root.insert(new Node(key, 1))); } else { root.next.keys.add(key); nodes.put(key, root.next); } } } public void dec(String key) { Node cur = nodes.get(key); if (cur.count == 1) { nodes.remove(key); } else { Node pre = cur.prev; if (pre == root || pre.count < cur.count - 1) { nodes.put(key, cur.prev.insert(new Node(key, cur.count - 1))); } else { pre.keys.add(key); nodes.put(key, pre); } } cur.keys.remove(key); if (cur.keys.isEmpty()) { cur.remove(); } } public String getMaxKey() { return root.prev != null ? root.prev.keys.iterator().next() : ""; } public String getMinKey() { return root.next != null ? root.next.keys.iterator().next() : ""; } }
class Node { Node prev; Node next; Set<String> keys; int count;
public Node() { this("", 0); }
public Node(String key, int count) { this.count = count; keys = new HashSet<String>(); keys.add(key); }
public Node insert(Node node) { node.prev = this; node.next = this.next; node.prev.next = node; node.next.prev = node; return node; }
public void remove() { this.prev.next = this.next; this.next.prev = this.prev; } }
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| public class AllOne { Node root; Dictionary<string, Node> nodes;
public AllOne() { root = new Node(); root.Prev = root; root.Next = root; nodes = new Dictionary<string, Node>(); } public void Inc(string key) { if (nodes.ContainsKey(key)) { Node cur = nodes[key]; Node nxt = cur.Next; if (nxt == root || nxt.Count > cur.Count + 1) { nodes[key] = cur.Insert(new Node(key, cur.Count + 1)); } else { nxt.Keys.Add(key); nodes[key] = nxt; } cur.Keys.Remove(key); if (cur.Keys.Count == 0) { cur.Remove(); } } else { if (root.Next == root || root.Next.Count > 1) { nodes.Add(key, root.Insert(new Node(key, 1))); } else { root.Next.Keys.Add(key); nodes.Add(key, root.Next); } } } public void Dec(string key) { Node cur = nodes[key]; if (cur.Count == 1) { nodes.Remove(key); } else { Node pre = cur.Prev; if (pre == root || pre.Count < cur.Count - 1) { nodes[key] = cur.Prev.Insert(new Node(key, cur.Count - 1)); } else { pre.Keys.Add(key); nodes[key] = pre; } } cur.Keys.Remove(key); if (cur.Keys.Count == 0) { cur.Remove(); } } public string GetMaxKey() { if (root.Prev == null) { return ""; } string maxKey = ""; foreach (string key in root.Prev.Keys) { maxKey = key; break; } return maxKey; } public string GetMinKey() { if (root.Next == null) { return ""; } string minKey = ""; foreach (string key in root.Next.Keys) { minKey = key; break; } return minKey; } }
class Node { public Node Prev { get; set; } public Node Next { get; set; } public ISet<string> Keys { get; set; } public int Count { get; set; }
public Node() : this("", 0) {
public Node(string key, int count) { this.Count = count; Keys = new HashSet<string>(); Keys.Add(key); }
public Node Insert(Node node) { node.Prev = this; node.Next = this.Next; node.Prev.Next = node; node.Next.Prev = node; return node; }
public void Remove() { this.Prev.Next = this.Next; this.Next.Prev = this.Prev; } }
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| type node struct { keys map[string]struct{} count int }
type AllOne struct { *list.List nodes map[string]*list.Element }
func Constructor() AllOne { return AllOne{list.New(), map[string]*list.Element{}} }
func (l *AllOne) Inc(key string) { if cur := l.nodes[key]; cur != nil { curNode := cur.Value.(node) if nxt := cur.Next(); nxt == nil || nxt.Value.(node).count > curNode.count+1 { l.nodes[key] = l.InsertAfter(node{map[string]struct{}{key: {}}, curNode.count + 1}, cur) } else { nxt.Value.(node).keys[key] = struct{}{} l.nodes[key] = nxt } delete(curNode.keys, key) if len(curNode.keys) == 0 { l.Remove(cur) } } else { if l.Front() == nil || l.Front().Value.(node).count > 1 { l.nodes[key] = l.PushFront(node{map[string]struct{}{key: {}}, 1}) } else { l.Front().Value.(node).keys[key] = struct{}{} l.nodes[key] = l.Front() } } }
func (l *AllOne) Dec(key string) { cur := l.nodes[key] curNode := cur.Value.(node) if curNode.count > 1 { if pre := cur.Prev(); pre == nil || pre.Value.(node).count < curNode.count-1 { l.nodes[key] = l.InsertBefore(node{map[string]struct{}{key: {}}, curNode.count - 1}, cur) } else { pre.Value.(node).keys[key] = struct{}{} l.nodes[key] = pre } } else { delete(l.nodes, key) } delete(curNode.keys, key) if len(curNode.keys) == 0 { l.Remove(cur) } }
func (l *AllOne) GetMaxKey() string { if b := l.Back(); b != nil { for key := range b.Value.(node).keys { return key } } return "" }
func (l *AllOne) GetMinKey() string { if f := l.Front(); f != nil { for key := range f.Value.(node).keys { return key } } return "" }
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| var AllOne = function() { this.root = new Node(); this.root.prev = this.root; this.root.next = this.root; this.nodes = new Map(); };
AllOne.prototype.inc = function(key) { if (this.nodes.has(key)) { const cur = this.nodes.get(key); const nxt = cur.next; if (nxt === this.root || nxt.count > cur.count + 1) { this.nodes.set(key, cur.insert(new Node(key, cur.count + 1))); } else { nxt.keys.add(key); this.nodes.set(key, nxt); } cur.keys.delete(key); if (cur.keys.size === 0) { cur.remove(); } } else { if (this.root.next === this.root || this.root.next.count > 1) { this.nodes.set(key, this.root.insert(new Node(key, 1))); } else { this.root.next.keys.add(key); this.nodes.set(key, this.root.next); } } };
AllOne.prototype.dec = function(key) { const cur = this.nodes.get(key); if (cur.count === 1) { this.nodes.delete(key); } else { const pre = cur.prev; if (pre === this.root || pre.count < cur.count - 1) { this.nodes.set(key, cur.prev.insert(new Node(key, cur.count - 1))); } else { pre.keys.add(key); this.nodes.set(key, pre); } } cur.keys.delete(key); if (cur.keys.size === 0) { cur.remove(); } };
AllOne.prototype.getMaxKey = function() { if (!this.root.prev) { return ""; } let maxKey = ""; for (const key of this.root.prev.keys) { maxKey = key; break; } return maxKey; };
AllOne.prototype.getMinKey = function() { if (!this.root.next) { return ""; } let minKey = ""; for (const key of this.root.next.keys) { minKey = key; break; } return minKey; };
class Node { constructor(key, count) { count ? this.count = count : 0; this.keys = new Set(); key ? this.keys.add(key) : this.keys.add(""); }
insert(node) { node.prev = this; node.next = this.next; node.prev.next = node; node.next.prev = node; return node; }
remove() { this.prev.next = this.next; this.next.prev = this.prev; } }