在 LeetCode 商店中, 有 n
给你一个整数数组 price
表示物品价格,其中 price[i]
是第 i
件物品的价格。另有一个整数数组 needs
是需要购买第 i
还有一个数组 special
的长度为 n + 1
,其中 special[i][j]
表示第 i
个大礼包中内含第 j
件物品的数量,且 special[i][n]
(也就是数组中的最后一个整数)为第 i
返回 确切 满足购物清单所需花费的最低价格,你可以充分利用大礼包的优惠活动。你不能购买超出购物清单指定数量的物品,即使那样会降低整体价格。任意大礼包可无限次购买。
示例 1:
**输入:** price = [2,5], special = [[3,0,5],[1,2,10]], needs = [3,2]
**输出:** 14
**解释:** 有 A 和 B 两种物品,价格分别为 ¥2 和 ¥5 。
大礼包 1 ,你可以以 ¥5 的价格购买 3A 和 0B 。
大礼包 2 ,你可以以 ¥10 的价格购买 1A 和 2B 。
需要购买 3 个 A 和 2 个 B , 所以付 ¥10 购买 1A 和 2B(大礼包 2),以及 ¥4 购买 2A 。
示例 2:
**输入:** price = [2,3,4], special = [[1,1,0,4],[2,2,1,9]], needs = [1,2,1]
**输出:** 11
**解释:** A ,B ,C 的价格分别为 ¥2 ,¥3 ,¥4 。
可以用 ¥4 购买 1A 和 1B ,也可以用 ¥9 购买 2A ,2B 和 1C 。
需要买 1A ,2B 和 1C ,所以付 ¥4 买 1A 和 1B(大礼包 1),以及 ¥3 购买 1B , ¥4 购买 1C 。
不可以购买超出待购清单的物品,尽管购买大礼包 2 更加便宜。
n == price.length
n == needs.length
1 <= n <= 6
0 <= price[i] <= 10
0 <= needs[i] <= 10
1 <= special.length <= 100
special[i].length == n + 1
0 <= special[i][j] <= 50
方法一:记忆化搜索 思路
因为 1 \le \textit{needs} \le 6 和 0 \le needs[i] \le 10,所以最多只有 11^6 = 1771561 种不同的购物清单 needs。我们可以将所有可能的购物清单作为状态,并考虑这些状态之间相互转移的方法。
用 dp}[\textit{needs}] 表示满足购物清单 needs 所需花费的最低价格。在进行状态转移时,我们考虑在满足购物清单 needs 时的最后一次购买;其中,将原价购买购物清单中的所有物品也视作一次购买。具体地,有以下两种情况:
\textit{dp}[\textit{needs}] = \min_{i \in K} {\textit{price}_i + \textit{dp}[\textit{needs} - \textit{needs}_i]}
其中,K 表示所有可以购买的大礼包的下标集合,i 表示其中一个大礼包的下标,price}_i 表示第 i 个大礼包的价格,needs}_i 表示大礼包中包含的物品清单,needs} - \textit{needs}_i 表示购物清单 needs 减去第 i 个大礼包中包含的物品清单后剩余的物品清单。
第二种情况是不购买任何大礼包,原价购买购物清单中的所有物品,此时 dp}[\textit{needs}] 可以直接求出。
dp}[\textit{needs}] 为这两种情况的最小值。
因为大礼包中可能包含多个物品,所以并不是所有状态都可以得到。因此,我们使用记忆化搜索而不是完全遍历的方法,来计算出满足每个购物清单 needs 所需花费的最低价格。
具体地,在计算满足当前购物清单 cur_needs 所需花费的最低价格 min_price 时,我们可以采用如下方法:
将 min_price 初始化为原价购买购物清单 cur_needs 中的所有物品的花费;
逐个遍历所有可以购买的大礼包,不妨设当前遍历的大礼包为 cur_special,其价格为 special_price:
计算购买大礼包 cur_special 后新的购物清单 nxt_needs,并递归地计算满足购物清单 nxt_needs 所需花费的最低价格 nxt_price;
计算满足当前购物清单 cur_needs 所需花费的最低价格 cur_price} = \textit{special_price} + \textit{nxt_price;
如果 cur_price} < \textit{min_price,则将 min_price 更新为 cur_price。
返回计算满足购物清单 cur_needs 所需花费的最低价格 min_price。
我们也可以考虑使用状态压缩的方法来存储购物清单 needs。但是因为购物清单中每种物品都可能有 [0,10] 个,使用状态压缩需要设计一个相对复杂的方法来解决计算状态变化以及比较状态大小的问题,性价比较低,所以在这里不使用状态压缩的方法,感兴趣的读者可以自行实现。
[sol1-Python3] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 from functools import lru_cacheclass Solution : def shoppingOffers (self, price: List [int ], special: List [List [int ]], needs: List [int ] ) -> int : n = len (price) filter_special = [] for sp in special: if sum (sp[i] for i in range (n)) > 0 and sum (sp[i] * price[i] for i in range (n)) > sp[-1 ]: filter_special.append(sp) @lru_cache(None ) def dfs (cur_needs ): min_price = sum (need * price[i] for i, need in enumerate (cur_needs)) for cur_special in filter_special: special_price = cur_special[-1 ] nxt_needs = [] for i in range (n): if cur_special[i] > cur_needs[i]: break nxt_needs.append(cur_needs[i] - cur_special[i]) if len (nxt_needs) == n: min_price = min (min_price, dfs(tuple (nxt_needs)) + special_price) return min_price return dfs(tuple (needs))
[sol1-Java] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 class Solution { Map<List<Integer>, Integer> memo = new HashMap <List<Integer>, Integer>(); public int shoppingOffers (List<Integer> price, List<List<Integer>> special, List<Integer> needs) { int n = price.size(); List<List<Integer>> filterSpecial = new ArrayList <List<Integer>>(); for (List<Integer> sp : special) { int totalCount = 0 , totalPrice = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { totalCount += sp.get(i); totalPrice += sp.get(i) * price.get(i); } if (totalCount > 0 && totalPrice > sp.get(n)) { filterSpecial.add(sp); } } return dfs(price, special, needs, filterSpecial, n); } public int dfs (List<Integer> price, List<List<Integer>> special, List<Integer> curNeeds, List<List<Integer>> filterSpecial, int n) { if (!memo.containsKey(curNeeds)) { int minPrice = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { minPrice += curNeeds.get(i) * price.get(i); } for (List<Integer> curSpecial : filterSpecial) { int specialPrice = curSpecial.get(n); List<Integer> nxtNeeds = new ArrayList <Integer>(); for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { if (curSpecial.get(i) > curNeeds.get(i)) { break ; } nxtNeeds.add(curNeeds.get(i) - curSpecial.get(i)); } if (nxtNeeds.size() == n) { minPrice = Math.min(minPrice, dfs(price, special, nxtNeeds, filterSpecial, n) + specialPrice); } } memo.put(curNeeds, minPrice); } return memo.get(curNeeds); } }
[sol1-C#] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 public class Solution { Dictionary<IList<int >, int > memo = new Dictionary<IList<int >, int >(); public int ShoppingOffers (IList<int > price, IList<IList<int >> special, IList<int > needs ) { int n = price.Count; IList<IList<int >> filterSpecial = new List<IList<int >>(); foreach (IList<int > sp in special) { int totalCount = 0 , totalPrice = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { totalCount += sp[i]; totalPrice += sp[i] * price[i]; } if (totalCount > 0 && totalPrice > sp[n]) { filterSpecial.Add(sp); } } return DFS(price, special, needs, filterSpecial, n); } public int DFS (IList<int > price, IList<IList<int >> special, IList<int > curNeeds, IList<IList<int >> filterSpecial, int n ) { if (!memo.ContainsKey(curNeeds)) { int minPrice = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { minPrice += curNeeds[i] * price[i]; } foreach (IList<int > curSpecial in filterSpecial) { int specialPrice = curSpecial[n]; IList<int > nxtNeeds = new List<int >(); for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { if (curSpecial[i] > curNeeds[i]) { break ; } nxtNeeds.Add(curNeeds[i] - curSpecial[i]); } if (nxtNeeds.Count == n) { minPrice = Math.Min(minPrice, DFS(price, special, nxtNeeds, filterSpecial, n) + specialPrice); } } memo.Add(curNeeds, minPrice); } return memo[curNeeds]; } }
[sol1-C++] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 class Solution {public : map<vector<int >, int > memo; int shoppingOffers (vector<int >& price, vector<vector<int >>& special, vector<int >& needs) { int n = price.size (); vector<vector<int >> filterSpecial; for (auto & sp : special) { int totalCount = 0 , totalPrice = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { totalCount += sp[i]; totalPrice += sp[i] * price[i]; } if (totalCount > 0 && totalPrice > sp[n]) { filterSpecial.emplace_back (sp); } } return dfs (price, special, needs, filterSpecial, n); } int dfs (vector<int > price,const vector<vector<int >> & special, vector<int > curNeeds, vector<vector<int >> & filterSpecial, int n) { if (!memo.count (curNeeds)) { int minPrice = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { minPrice += curNeeds[i] * price[i]; } for (auto & curSpecial : filterSpecial) { int specialPrice = curSpecial[n]; vector<int > nxtNeeds; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { if (curSpecial[i] > curNeeds[i]) { break ; } nxtNeeds.emplace_back (curNeeds[i] - curSpecial[i]); } if (nxtNeeds.size () == n) { minPrice = min (minPrice, dfs (price, special, nxtNeeds, filterSpecial, n) + specialPrice); } } memo[curNeeds] = minPrice; } return memo[curNeeds]; } };
[sol1-JavaScript] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 var shoppingOffers = function (price, special, needs ) { const memo = new Map (); const dfs = (price, special, curNeeds, filterSpecial, n ) => { if (!memo.has (curNeeds)) { let minPrice = 0 ; for (let i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { minPrice += curNeeds[i] * price[i]; } for (const curSpecial of filterSpecial) { const specialPrice = curSpecial[n]; const nxtNeeds = []; for (let i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { if (curSpecial[i] > curNeeds[i]) { break ; } nxtNeeds.push (curNeeds[i] - curSpecial[i]); } if (nxtNeeds.length === n) { minPrice = Math .min (minPrice, dfs (price, special, nxtNeeds, filterSpecial, n) + specialPrice); } } memo.set (curNeeds, minPrice); } return memo.get (curNeeds); } const n = price.length ; const filterSpecial = []; for (const sp of special) { let totalCount = 0 , totalPrice = 0 ; for (let i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { totalCount += sp[i]; totalPrice += sp[i] * price[i]; } if (totalCount > 0 && totalPrice > sp[n]) { filterSpecial.push (sp); } } return dfs (price, special, needs, filterSpecial, n); };
[sol1-Golang] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 func shoppingOffers (price []int , special [][]int , needs []int ) int { n := len (price) filterSpecial := [][]int {} for _, s := range special { totalCount, totalPrice := 0 , 0 for i, c := range s[:n] { totalCount += c totalPrice += c * price[i] } if totalCount > 0 && totalPrice > s[n] { filterSpecial = append (filterSpecial, s) } } dp := map [string ]int {} var dfs func ([]byte ) int dfs = func (curNeeds []byte ) (minPrice int ) { if res, has := dp[string (curNeeds)]; has { return res } for i, p := range price { minPrice += int (curNeeds[i]) * p } nextNeeds := make ([]byte , n) outer: for _, s := range filterSpecial { for i, need := range curNeeds { if need < byte (s[i]) { continue outer } nextNeeds[i] = need - byte (s[i]) } minPrice = min(minPrice, dfs(nextNeeds)+s[n]) } dp[string (curNeeds)] = minPrice return } curNeeds := make ([]byte , n) for i, need := range needs { curNeeds[i] = byte (need) } return dfs(curNeeds) } func min (a, b int ) int { if a > b { return b } return a }
时间复杂度:O(n \times k \times m^n),其中 k 表示大礼包的数量,m 表示每种物品的需求量的可能情况数(等于最大需求量加 1),n 表示物品数量。我们最多需要处理 m^n 个状态,每个状态需要遍历 k 种大礼包的情况,每个大礼包需要遍历 n 种商品以检查大礼包是否可以购买。
空间复杂度:O(n \times m^n),用于存储记忆化搜索中 m^n 个状态的计算结果,每个状态需要存储 n 个商品的需求量。