根据题意可知,每次查询时给定的 queries}[j],需要统计满足如下条件的点对 (a, b) 的数目:
a < b;
对于每次查询 queries}[j],与节点 a 或者节点 b 相连的边的数目之和严格大于 queries}[j]。
设节点 x 的度为 degree}[x],我们知道与节点 a 相连的边的数目即为 a 的度数 degree}[a],与节点 b 相连的边的数目即节点 b 的度数 degree}[b],如果此时节点 a 与节点 b 之间不存在相连的边,则此时与点对 (a,b) 相连的边的数目即为 degree}[a] + \textit{degree}[b]。
需要注意的与节点 a 或者节点 b 相连的边的数目之和则不一定等于 a 的度数与 b 的度数之和,这是因为 a 与 b 之间可能存在相连的边,假设 a 与 b 之间相连边的数目为 cnt}(a, b),则此时与点对 (a,b) 相连的边的数目即为 degree}[a] + \textit{degree}[b] - \textit{cnt}(a, b),这是由于 cnt}(a, b) 被计算了两次。
根据以上分析,对于每次查询时,假设当前给定边的查询值为 queries}[i],此时最直接的做法是使用双层循环遍历所有的点对 (a,b),然后找到所有满足的点对即可,但此时时间复杂度为 O(n^2),按照题目给定的数量会超时。假设给定点 a,则此时点对的另一节点 b 的度数应该大于 queries}[i] - \textit{degree}[b],因此可以考虑利用二分查找在 O(\log n) 的时间复杂度找到满足要求的点 b 的数目,同时还需处理 a,b 存在共边的问题,可以分两步进行:
此时首先找到所有满足 degree}[a] + \textit{degree}[b] > \textit{queries}[i] 的点对数量。二分查找的思路非常简单,假设当前的点 a 的度为 degree}[a],则利用二分查找在数组中查找当前度数大于 queries}[i] - \textit{degree}[a] 的节点数量,为了方便计算,需要将 degree 按照从小到大的顺序进行排列即可,利用二分查找大于 queries}[i] - \textit{degree}[a] 的索引为 j,则此时可以与 a 构成符合要求的节点数量为 n - j,按照上述方法找到所有满足要求的点对数量为 total;
其次需要处理 (a,b) 存在共边的问题,即减去重复计算的部分。我们用哈希存储表 cnt 存储不同边的数量,由于所有的边均为无向边,因此边 \vec{ab 与 边 \vec{ba 为同样的边,此时为了方便处理可以将边 \vec{ab 映射到一个整数 a\times n + b, (a < b)。遍历所有的边 \vec{ab,此时点对 (a,b) 中重复计算边的数目即为 cnt}(a, b)。此时如果点对 (a,b) 减去重复部分后相连边的数目小于等于 queries[i],则认为该点对不满足要求,即从当点对 (a,b) 满足: degree}[a] + \textit{degree}[b] - \textit{cnt}(a, b) \le queries[i] total 的记数减 1,最终得到的 total 即可本次的查询结果;
classSolution { public: vector<int> countPairs(int n, vector<vector<int>>& edges, vector<int>& queries){ vector<int> degree(n); unordered_map<int, int> cnt; for (auto edge : edges) { int x = edge[0] - 1, y = edge[1] - 1; if (x > y) { swap(x, y); } degree[x]++; degree[y]++; cnt[x * n + y]++; }
vector<int> arr = degree; vector<int> ans; sort(arr.begin(), arr.end()); for (int bound : queries) { int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = upper_bound(arr.begin() + i + 1, arr.end(), bound - arr[i]) - arr.begin(); total += n - j; } for (auto &[val, freq] : cnt) { int x = val / n; int y = val % n; if (degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound) { total--; } } ans.emplace_back(total); }
publicclassSolution { publicint[] CountPairs(int n, int[][] edges, int[] queries) { int[] degree = newint[n]; IDictionary<int, int> cnt = new Dictionary<int, int>(); foreach (int[] edge in edges) { int x = edge[0] - 1, y = edge[1] - 1; if (x > y) { int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } degree[x]++; degree[y]++; cnt.TryAdd(x * n + y, 0); cnt[x * n + y]++; }
int[] arr = newint[n]; Array.Copy(degree, 0, arr, 0, n); int[] ans = newint[queries.Length]; Array.Sort(arr); for (int k = 0; k < queries.Length; k++) { int bound = queries[k], total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = BinarySearch(arr, i + 1, n - 1, bound - arr[i]); total += n - j; } foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> pair in cnt) { int val = pair.Key, freq = pair.Value; int x = val / n, y = val % n; if (degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound) { total--; } } ans[k] = total; }
return ans; }
publicintBinarySearch(int[] arr, int left, int right, int target) { int ans = right + 1; while (left <= right) { int mid = (left + right) >> 1; if (arr[mid] <= target) { left = mid + 1; } else { right = mid - 1; ans = mid; } } return ans; } }
intbinarySearch(constint *arr, int left, int right, int target) { int ans = right + 1; while (left <= right) { int mid = (left + right) >> 1; if (arr[mid] <= target) { left = mid + 1; } else { right = mid - 1; ans = mid; } } return ans; }
int* countPairs(int n, int** edges, int edgesSize, int* edgesColSize, int* queries, int queriesSize, int* returnSize) { int degree[n]; HashItem *cnt = NULL; memset(degree, 0, sizeof(degree)); for (int i = 0; i < edgesSize; i++) { int x = edges[i][0] - 1, y = edges[i][1] - 1; if (x > y) { int tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } degree[x]++; degree[y]++; hashSetItem(&cnt, x * n + y, hashGetItem(&cnt, x * n + y, 0) + 1); }
int arr[n]; int *ans = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * queriesSize); int pos = 0; memcpy(arr, degree, sizeof(degree)); qsort(arr, n, sizeof(int), cmp); for (int k = 0; k < queriesSize; k++) { int bound = queries[k]; int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = binarySearch(arr, i + 1, n - 1, bound - arr[i]); total += n - j; } for (HashItem *pEntry = cnt; pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->hh.next) { int val = pEntry->key; int freq = pEntry->val; int x = val / n; int y = val % n; if (degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound) { total--; } } ans[k] = total; } hashFree(&cnt); *returnSize = queriesSize; return ans; }
classSolution: defcountPairs(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]], queries: List[int]) -> List[int]: degree = [0for _ inrange(n)] cnt = collections.defaultdict(int) for edge in edges: x, y = edge[0] - 1, edge[1] - 1 if x > y: x, y = y, x degree[x] += 1 degree[y] += 1 cnt[x * n + y] += 1
arr = sorted(degree) ans = [] for bound in queries: total = 0 for i inrange(n): j = bisect_right(arr, bound - arr[i], i + 1) total += n - j for val, freq in cnt.items(): x, y = val // n, val % n if degree[x] + degree[y] > bound and degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound: total -= 1 ans.append(total) return ans
funccountPairs(n int, edges [][]int, queries []int) []int { degree := make([]int, n) cnt := map[int]int{} for _, edge := range edges { x, y := edge[0] - 1, edge[1] - 1 if x > y { x, y = y, x } degree[x]++ degree[y]++ cnt[x * n + y]++ } arr := make([]int, n) copy(arr, degree) sort.Ints(arr) ans := []int{} for _, bound := range queries { total := 0 for i := 0; i < n; i++ { j := sort.SearchInts(arr, bound - arr[i] + 1) total += n - max(i + 1, j) } for val, freq := range cnt { x, y := val / n, val % n if degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound { total-- } } ans = append(ans, total) } return ans }
funcmax(a int, b int)int { if a > b { return a } return b }
var countPairs = function(n, edges, queries) { const degree = newArray(n).fill(0); const cnt = newMap(); for (var edge of edges) { let x = edge[0] - 1; let y = edge[1] - 1; if (x > y) { let tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } degree[x]++; degree[y]++; const key = x * n + y; cnt.set(key, cnt.has(key) ? cnt.get(key) + 1 : 1); } const arr = Array.from(degree); const ans = newArray(queries.length); arr.sort((a, b) => a - b); for (let k = 0; k < queries.length; k++) { const bound = queries[k]; let total = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { let j = binarySearch(arr, i + 1, n - 1, bound - arr[i]); total += n - j; } for (var [val, freq] of cnt.entries()) { let x = Math.floor(val / n); let y = val % n; if (degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound) { total--; } } ans[k] = total; } return ans; };
constbinarySearch = (arr, low, high, target) => { let ans = high + 1; while (low <= high) { const mid = Math.floor((high - low + 1) / 2) + low; if (arr[mid] <= target) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid - 1; ans = mid; } } return ans; }
时间复杂度:O(q \times (n \log n + m)),其中 q 表示查询数组 queries 的铲毒,n 表示给定的节点的数目,m 表示边 edges 的长度。对所有的点的度数排序时需要的时间复杂度为 O(n \log n),每次查询时需要二分查找找到所有符合要求的点对,并同时遍历所有的边,需要的时间为 O(n\log n + m),一共有 q 次查询,因此总的时间复杂度为 O(n \log n + q \times (n \log n + m)) = O(q \times (n \log n + m))。
假设当前从小到大第 i 节点 a 的度为 degree}[a],我们从后往前找到第一个满足小于等于 bound} - \textit{degree}[a] 的节点索引为 j,则此时 b \in [j+1,n-1] 均满足 degree}[a] + \textit{degree}[b] > \textit{queries}[i],则此时与 a 构成满足要求的节点的数目位 n - 1 - j,为了防止重复计算,此时只取大于 i 且大于 j 的索引,则此时 b \in [\max(i+1,j+1),n-1] 区间内的索引即可;
classSolution { public: vector<int> countPairs(int n, vector<vector<int>>& edges, vector<int>& queries){ vector<int> degree(n); unordered_map<int, int> cnt; for (auto edge : edges) { int x = edge[0] - 1, y = edge[1] - 1; if (x > y) { swap(x, y); } degree[x]++; degree[y]++; cnt[x * n + y]++; }
vector<int> arr = degree; vector<int> ans; sort(arr.begin(), arr.end()); for (int bound : queries) { int total = 0; for (int i = 0, j = n - 1; i < n; i++) { while (j > i && arr[i] + arr[j] > bound) { j--; } total += n - 1 - max(i, j); } for (auto &[val, freq] : cnt) { int x = val / n; int y = val % n; if (degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound) { total--; } } ans.emplace_back(total); }
publicclassSolution { publicint[] CountPairs(int n, int[][] edges, int[] queries) { int[] degree = newint[n]; IDictionary<int, int> cnt = new Dictionary<int, int>(); foreach (int[] edge in edges) { int x = edge[0] - 1, y = edge[1] - 1; if (x > y) { int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } degree[x]++; degree[y]++; cnt.TryAdd(x * n + y, 0); cnt[x * n + y]++; }
int[] arr = newint[n]; Array.Copy(degree, 0, arr, 0, n); int[] ans = newint[queries.Length]; Array.Sort(arr); for (int k = 0; k < queries.Length; k++) { int bound = queries[k], total = 0; for (int i = 0, j = n - 1; i < n; i++) { while (j > i && arr[i] + arr[j] > bound) { j--; } total += n - 1 - Math.Max(i, j); } foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> pair in cnt) { int val = pair.Key, freq = pair.Value; int x = val / n, y = val % n; if (degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound) { total--; } } ans[k] = total; }
int* countPairs(int n, int** edges, int edgesSize, int* edgesColSize, int* queries, int queriesSize, int* returnSize) { int degree[n]; HashItem *cnt = NULL; memset(degree, 0, sizeof(degree)); for (int i = 0; i < edgesSize; i++) { int x = edges[i][0] - 1, y = edges[i][1] - 1; if (x > y) { int tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } degree[x]++; degree[y]++; hashSetItem(&cnt, x * n + y, hashGetItem(&cnt, x * n + y, 0) + 1); }
int arr[n]; int *ans = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * queriesSize); int pos = 0; memcpy(arr, degree, sizeof(degree)); qsort(arr, n, sizeof(int), cmp); for (int k = 0; k < queriesSize; k++) { int bound = queries[k]; int total = 0; for (int i = 0, j = n - 1; i < n; i++) { while (j > i && arr[i] + arr[j] > bound) { j--; } total += n - 1 - fmax(i, j); } for (HashItem *pEntry = cnt; pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->hh.next) { int val = pEntry->key; int freq = pEntry->val; int x = val / n; int y = val % n; if (degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound) { total--; } } ans[k] = total; } hashFree(&cnt); *returnSize = queriesSize; return ans; }
classSolution: defcountPairs(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]], queries: List[int]) -> List[int]: degree = [0for _ inrange(n)] cnt = collections.defaultdict(int) for edge in edges: x, y = edge[0] - 1, edge[1] - 1 if x > y: x, y = y, x degree[x] += 1 degree[y] += 1 cnt[x * n + y] += 1
arr = sorted(degree) ans = [] for bound in queries: total = 0 j = n - 1 for i inrange(n): while j > i and arr[i] + arr[j] > bound: j -= 1 total += n - 1 - max(i, j) for val, freq in cnt.items(): x, y = val // n, val % n if degree[x] + degree[y] > bound and degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound: total -= 1 ans.append(total) return ans
funccountPairs(n int, edges [][]int, queries []int) []int { degree := make([]int, n) cnt := map[int]int{} for _, edge := range edges { x, y := edge[0] - 1, edge[1] - 1 if x > y { x, y = y, x } degree[x]++ degree[y]++ cnt[x * n + y]++ } arr := make([]int, n) copy(arr, degree) sort.Ints(arr) ans := []int{} for _, bound := range queries { total := 0 for i, j := 0, n - 1; i < n; i++ { for j > i && arr[i] + arr[j] > bound { j-- } total += n - 1 - max(i, j) } for val, freq := range cnt { x, y := val / n, val % n if degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound { total-- } } ans = append(ans, total) } return ans }
funcmax(a int, b int)int { if a > b { return a } return b }
var countPairs = function(n, edges, queries) { const degree = newArray(n).fill(0); const cnt = newMap(); for (var edge of edges) { let x = edge[0] - 1; let y = edge[1] - 1; if (x > y) { let tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } degree[x]++; degree[y]++; const key = x * n + y; cnt.set(key, cnt.has(key) ? cnt.get(key) + 1 : 1); } const arr = Array.from(degree); const ans = newArray(queries.length); arr.sort((a, b) => a - b); for (let k = 0; k < queries.length; k++) { const bound = queries[k]; let total = 0; for (let i = 0, j = n - 1; i < n; i++) { while (j > i && arr[i] + arr[j] > bound) { j--; } total += n - 1 - Math.max(i, j); } for (var [val, freq] of cnt.entries()) { let x = Math.floor(val / n); let y = val % n; if (degree[x] + degree[y] > bound && degree[x] + degree[y] - freq <= bound) { total--; } } ans[k] = total; } return ans; };